Elma Trail Days is the town's annual festival, occurring the weekend of the 2nd Saturday of July each year.
The event has a few preliminary activities in the week leading up to the festival, such as a family-friendly "Chalk the Walk" event on Wednesday and a "Show and Shine" car show the first Monday of July, but the majority of festival activities take place Friday through Saturday evening and end with a Knights of Columbus community breakfast on Sunday morning and a euchre tournament by the American Legion Sunday afternoon. Some annual features of the festival include a kid's pedal tractor pull & ball games, a ribeye steak sandwich meal in the park with additional entertainment, food trucks & beverage garden, operating late into the night with a fireworks display at 10 :00 p.m. Saturday activities begin with a 5k walk/run, community breakfast, 11:00 a.m. parade, and then a full day & evening of fun in the Elma City Park. Saturday including food trucks & beverage garden which should offer more food options.. Live music will be on the stage at night (charge at the gate), volleyball, show & shine car event, inflatable bounce house & other kid's activities fill the afternoon & evening.