Past Fundraisers for ECC

Fish Fry Fundraiser Planning Underway

Plans are underway to have a Fish Fry Fundraiser on Friday March 5th, 2021. This is a fundraiser for the Elma Community Complex! We continue to make progress- the Elma Medical Clinic opened in January and in February renovations of a portion of the gymnasium into a multipurpose community room began. The project is progressing as fundraising allows. We have $699,698 committed thus far to the 1.2 million dollar project.

Ice Cream Social Fundraiser

Upcoming fund-raising activities include an Ice Cream Social on June 9th, 2019 (see flyer) at the outdoor classroom shelter on the former school grounds and several events for the All School Reunion during Old Roundhouse Trail Day July 12-12-14

Taco bar fundraiser

All you can eat taco bar fundraiser, Friday May 3rd, 2019 at Elma Memorial Hall.


Posted: March 19, 2023 in Community Complex