Post-Construction Delay Update

Progress continues on the Elma Community Complex (ECC)! Despite several construction delays, the project is moving forward and the committee is hopeful to have the project completed this year!

  • The outside shell of the day care addition is complete. Plumbing is currently being installed.
  • The newly renovated Community Room, is currently being used by the 3 year old preschool until the day care addition and renovations are done. Appliances are installed in the kitchenette. The community room with kitchenette will be used for library programming for adults and youth and community meetings and gatherings (city council meetings, family gatherings, etc).
  • Renovations of portions of the former gymnasium into the City Clerk’s office and library are underway. Walls are sheet rocked and electrical is roughed in. Plumbing and heating is currently being done. Volunteers have most of it painted! The City sold the current library building and we are wanting to get the library moved as soon as possible.
  • A few weeks ago Jennifer Drinkwater, Community Arts Specialist for Iowa State University Extension brought her upper-level class from the College of Design at Iowa State University to collaborate with the community of Elma as part of the research being done on Elma as a “Shrink Smart Community.” The murals that were on the former brick school will be incorporated into the exterior of the complex along with adding an east and south entrance. It is important to incorporate the history of the school into the ECC project. The class is going to assist with the design in these areas.
  • The committee recently got updated bids on what remains to be done on the project and additional money is going to need to be raised to complete the project. The project is being done in phases as funding allows. The committee continues to seek donations and apply for grants. Recent grants that they have received include Kinney-Lindstrom, Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Theisens, and Oneota Club.
  • Our next fundraiser is the annual Fish Fry on Friday, March 18th from 5-7:30 (or until gone) at the Elma Memorial Hall.

Thank you to ALL who have supported this community betterment project. Whether you donated your time or money, please know it is appreciated!!!!

Posted: March 7, 2022 in Community Complex