April 2018 City Council

The Elma City Council meeting was opened at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Jerry Steven in the former school building cafeteria. Meeting was opened with roll call: TJ Granahan, present, Randy Thoren, present, Jerry Haar, present, Emily Ptacek, present, Tom Platte, absent.

TJ moved the agenda be approved, second Randy, carried.

TJ moved the minutes of the March 12th meeting be approved, second Emily, carried.

Randy moved to table the building permit for Wayne Stayton for additional information , second TJ, carried. TJ moved the building permit for Lucy Schwake be approved upon proof that with the addition, buildings will not exceed 40% of the lot size, second Randy, carried.

Randy moved the liquor license for the Bluebird Tavern be approved, second Randy. The City (park) license will table for the May meeting.

TJ moved the claims be approved with paying Trevor Holdeman $8.00 an hour for his help moving the garage from the park to the sewer plant, second Jerry, carried.

A request was made from Mike Zeimetz to have the address of his residence changed to match up with the block sequence. His address and another address on the same street start with the same number, however, they are four blocks apart. The suggestion was to Change Mike’s address to 114 to match up with block numbering starting with 100’s and keeping the last digits of the present address. TJ moved to change Mike Zeimetz’s address to 107 5th St, second Jerry, carried.

Kermit was not present at the meeting, however it was decided that the hole in Busti in front of the Bluebird Tavern be filled with cold patch until permanent renovations to Busti Ave are made. TJ moved city wide clean-up day be June 9th, second Emily, carried.

Discussion was on a wage increase for Shannon. It was discussed at the March meeting to raise Shannon’s wages $.50 for last year and $.50 for this year since she had not had a raise last year. The committee will look at a cost of living raise for Dennis and have an amount for the May meeting. Cost of living for county employees was 4%. Emily moved to raise Shannon’s wages $.50 now and $.50 July 1st, second TJ, carried.

Randy read aloud Resolution 20180409 setting a public hearing for budget amendment for May 14th. TJ moved resolution 20180409 be approved, second Emily. Mayor Steven asked for a roll call vote. Vote is as follows: TJ, aye, Randy, aye, Jerry, aye, Emily, aye, Tom, absent. Vote passes.

Nick Dockendorf submitted an application for Public Works Assistant. Mayor Steven would like TJ and Emily to meet with Nick first, then Randy and Jerry. Shannon will set up interviews before the May meeting.

There was a question from a resident about whether non maintained (grass) alley ways can be closed. Non maintained alley ways can be closed as long as the whole neighborhood petitions to do so and as long as there’s still access for emergency vehicles or if LP tanks would need to be filled.

Mayor Steven had no further comments.

TJ moved the meeting be adjourned, second Jerry, meeting adjourned.