This website will post community events in the immediate Elma area that are open to the public. All events should be submitted electronically via the form below. NEW!! We now have a phone number which a person may call to list their event or activity too! The new BRIDGE phone number is 641-229-7063 as well as phoning the marketing chairperson at 641-220-3073. Events must be received by the 15th of the month preceding the event date to guarantee placement on the website calendar of events. reserves the right to refuse any event submission that is deemed private, out of the immediate Elma area, or is inappropriate.
digital sign
Community event messages may be posted to the digital sign. Submit your request 2 weeks in advance via email to or, call the BRIDGE (641-229-7063) or marketing chairperson (641-220-3073), or mail to P.O. Box 15, Elma IA 50628.
Sorry, no personal messages or business advertising accepted at this time. BRIDGE reserves the right to edit messages for length and may refuse any message request deemed not of a public/community interest nature.