July 2018 City Council

The Elma City Council meeting was opened at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Haar in the former school building cafeteria. Meeting was opened with roll call: Emily Ptacek, present, Tom Platte, present, Randy Thoren, present, Jerry Haar, present.

Tom moved the agenda be approved, second Randy, carried.

Emily moved the minutes of the June 18th meeting be approved, second Tom, carried.

Tom moved the liquor license for Elma Locker be approved, second Randy, carried. Tom moved the claims be approved, second Randy, carried.

TJ Granahan submitted his resignation to the Council on June 19th. Emily moved TJ’s resignation be approved, second Tom, carried.

Jake Burke submitted an email to the City Clerk stating that he had 4 laying hens at his residence in a coop. Randy approved of Jake having hens in a coop. There are to be no roosters in City limits, second Emily, carried.

Discussion was that at there was 1,000 gallons of LP donated to the Elma Early Childhood Center at the 2017 spaghetti supper and there was a request to have their rent forgiven for the amount of the fuel.

Randy approved the request for rent to be forgiven, second Emily, carried. Also for discussion was the possibility to update the lighting in the daycare to LED to save on electric costs. Bids will be obtained for updating to LED lighting.

Discussion was on the building permit for Wayne Stayton. Mayor Steven was to talk to him. This item was tabled since Mayor Steven was not present for this meeting.

Discussion was on 3 trees that need to be removed from residences. The Council received bids from Mark’s Backhoe Service and Skyline Tree Service. Randy moved to hire Mark’s Backhoe Service with the bid of $2,750 to remove the 3 trees, second Tom, carried.

There were no further comments.

Emily moved the meeting be adjourned, second Randy, meeting adjourned.