The Elma City Council meeting was opened at 7:00 P.M. ty Mayor Jerry Steven in the former school building cafeteria. Meeting was opened with roll call: Jerry Haar, present, Randy Thoren, present, Emily Ptacek, present, TJ Granahan, present, Tom Platte, present.
There was one addition to the agenda: a building permit for Elma Locker and Grocery. TJ moved the agenda be approved, second Tom, carried.
TJ moved the minutes of the April 9th meeting be approved, second, Jerry, carried.
TJ moved that the building permit for Wayne Stayton be approved with the stipulation that if the existing house on the property were ever to be rented or sold, a new, separate sewer line would need to be put in, second Jerry, carried. Tom moved that the building permit for Lucy Schwake be approved, second TJ, carried. Tom moved the building permit for Elma Locker and Grocery be approved, second Randy, carried.
TJ moved the claims be approved, second Jerry, carried.
Mayor Steven opened the public hearing for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget amendment. There was no discussion on the proposed amendment. Mayor Steven closed the public hearing.
Emily read aloud Resoultion 20180514 approving the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget amendment. TJ moved Resolution 20180514 be approved, second Randy. Mayor Steven requested a roll call vote. Vote is as follows: Jerry, aye, Randy, aye, Emily, aye, TJ, aye, Tom, aye. Vote passes.
Lucy Schwake is requesting that a culvert be placed in the driveway at 602 Oak St. Discussion was that a culvert may not be able to handle water flow with the existing water way. TJ moved to table this request so that the committee can determine how a culvert will work in this driveway, second Tom, carried.
Randy read aloud Resolution 20180514-1 to approve hiring Nickolaus Dockendorf for the public works assistant, dependent upon a pre-employment physical and drug screen. Discussion was that Nick would make a good addition to the public works department. TJ moved to hire Nickolaus Dockendorf as public works assistant for the City of Elma, second Randy. Mayor Steven requested a roll call vote. Vote is as follows: Jerry, aye, Randy, aye, Emily, aye, TJ, aye, Tom, aye. Vote passes.
TJ read aloud Resolution 20180514-2 a wage increase for Shannon Gebel of $.50 an hour that was approved at the April 9, 2018 City Council meeting to begin immediately, a $.50 an hour increase to begin July 1, 2018 and a wage increase for Dennis O’Brien to begin July 1, 2018. Discussion was that the committee would like more time to discuss a wage increase for Dennis and that the Council should table that portion of the resolution. Tom moved to approve the wage increase for Shannon Gebel and table the portion of the resolution for wage increase for Dennis until the June meeting, second TJ. Mayor Steven requested a roll call vote. Vote is as follows: Jerry, aye, Randy, aye, Emily, aye, TJ, aye, Tom, aye. Vote passes.
Tom read aloud Resolution 20180514-3 approving Mayor Steven and Shannon Gebel to sign paperwork for the solar project. Discussion was that the lease agreement will be going to the lawyers to review and should be ready shortly. Randy moved to approve resolution 20180514-3, second Jerry. Mayor Steven requested a roll call vote. Vote is as follows: Jerry, aye, Randy, aye, Emily, aye, TJ, aye, Tom, aye. Vote passes.
Tom discussed that in reviewing the City’s insurance policy, there are places where deductibles could be changed to potentially be a savings for the City. The financial committee will discuss these options with the City’s insurance agent.
Discussion was to check with the City of Riceville to see if we could hire them to sweep the curb and gutter streets in Elma, also that the City will have dust control once monthly June through October for the truck route on Orchard Street.
Discussion was that there has been a request for trees on the west side and north side of the lots for the solar project to come down. The two trees on the west side are not in good shape and have been approved to be taken down, however the City does not feel that they are responsible for taking down the remaining trees on the north side as that the trees are healthy and at this time, the solar project is not for City use.
Discussion was on junk vehicles and trees on boulevards in town. The Council stated that a written complaint was necessary in order for these ordinances to be enforced.
Mayor Steven had no further comments.
Tom moved the meeting be adjourned, second Randy, meeting adjourned.