The Elma City Council meeting was opened by Mayor Steven at 7:00 P.M. in the School building gym.
Meeting was opened with roll call: Tom Platte, present, Jerry Haar, present, Emily Ptacek, present, Laura Zenner, present, Randy Thoren, absent.
Mayor Steven asked that items 6, 7, and 9 be removed from the agenda. Jerry moved the agenda be approved with the deletions, second Laura, carried.
Tom moved the minutes of the September 9th meeting be approved, second Jerry, carried. After discussion on how the sewer and water were to be accessed for the property and noting that the date on the application should read 2018 instead of 2019, Tom moved the building permit for Kathy Whitinger be approved, second Jerry, carried.
Jerry moved the claims be approved, second Laura, carried.
The park board received one sealed bid for $125.00 for the park bleachers that had been removed. Tom moved the bid be accepted, second Jerry, carried.
Rachelle Howe was in attendance to explain to the Council and residents in attendance how the CDBG grant would work for the City for the school project as well as could be used for sewer and housing projects in the future. Additional discussion on the school building was that Mayor Steven suggested that the Council meet additional times throughout the month so that a decision could be made at the November 12th meeting as to what the City is going to do with the school building. The committee will be gathering more information and the Council will meet again soon to discuss financial options to move forward.
The cracked wall at the sewer plant is not fixed yet and Dennis will be getting bids to get that repaired before winter.
Mayor Steven had no further comments.
Laura moved the meeting be adjourned, second Emily, meeting adjourned.