The Elma City Council meeting was opened by Mayor Thoren at 7:00 PM in the Elma Community Complex meeting room. Meeting was opened with roll call. Laura Schroeder, Emily Ptacek, present, Myron Head, present, Andrew Casler, present, Josh Smith, absent.
Laura moved the agenda be approved, seconded by Andrew, carried.
Laura moved the minutes of the September 9th meeting be approved, seconded by Myron, carried.
Andrew moved the building permit for Busti Lumber be approved, seconded by Laura, carried.
Laura moved the liquor license for Elma Express be approved, seconded by Myron, carried. Laura moved the liquor license for Elma Legion be approved, seconded by Andrew, carried.
Laura moved the claims paid and to pay be approved, seconded by Emily, carried.
Mayor Thoren opened three sealed bids for the property at 220 Grove Street. One bid was for $3,500.00 from Scott O’Brien, one was for $1,000.00 from Jake Burke and the last was for $1,750.00 from Josh Martin. Josh was the only bidder in attendance and did not want to up his bid. Andrew moved to approve the bid for 220 Grove Street for $3,500.00 from Scott O’Brien, seconded by Myron, carried.
Ordinance 106.08, 2nd reading, collection fees will be $17.78, up $1.00 from previous, for a 35 gallon tote per month, the 65 gallon tote will remain the same at $19.48 per month and a 95 gallon tote will remain at $21.91 per month. Laura moved to approve Ordinance 108.08 and waive the final reading, seconded by Emily. Roll call vote, Laura, aye, Emily, aye, Myron, aye, Andrew, aye, Josh, absent. Ordinance passes.
Mayor Thoren read aloud Resolution 20241014, a resolution to enter into a joint agreement with Chickasaw County that authorizes Chickasaw County to proceed with the CWEC Urban Renewal area as described in the CWEC Urban Renewal Plan. Laura moved the resolution be approved, seconded by Andrew. Roll call vote, Laura, aye, Emily, aye, Myron, aye, Andrew, aye, Josh, absent. Vote passes.
Discussion was on whether to allow tiny homes to come into town. With so many variations on how tiny homes are constructed and potentially moved in, the council has decided to not allow them at this time. There may be future discussion if there are more concrete regulations in place.
Discussion was that one estimate has come in for water service lines on Busti Ave and we’re waiting on a couple more. We are still waiting on Visu-Sewer to clean and camera the sewer lines.
Under the Mayor’e comments, Emily inquired about how many alleys in town need rock in them. They probably all need rock, but the best time to put rock on would be spring/summer. Brian will check on the alleys that need so that we are ready for spring. Mayor Thoren also mentioned that the new poles town would need new outlets and brackets if we are going to have Christmas lights on them this year. We have calls in to 2 electricians for estimates.
Mayor Thoren had no further comments.
Laura moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Andrew, meeting adjourned.