The Elma City Council remains committed to the original goals of bringing a medical clinic to the community, providing additional space for the library, expanding the day care, and providing space for the City Clerk office. They voted at their November 11, 2019 meeting to proceed with the Elma Community Complex (ECC) project with a new location for the medical clinic. “In late spring we learned the school property was in the flood zone flood forcing the committee to rethink the original dynamics of this project. After much discussion and research, the ECC Committee presented their findings to the city council and proposed a new plan,” shared Bruce Weige, ECC Committee Member. The ECC benefits non-profit entities utilizing the former school property that the City of Elma owns. Plans are to renovate the current gymnasium into a public library, City Clerk’s office and multi-purpose room with a full kitchen. An addition to the Elma Early Childhood Center is also being planned for an infant room. The current infant room will be re-purposed into a classroom for three year old preschool. Regional Health Services of Howard County will furnish and operate the clinic building. Originally the medical clinic was going to be built at the former school location, but now a new location is being sought.
“Due to the costs associated with flood proofing to meet city and state ordinances, we are currently seeking a new location for the medical clinic and moving forward with the project in phases. We are considering building the clinic on the northeast side of town on Busti Ave, north of the Blue Bird. This property is out of the flood zone, has enough room to build the clinic and allow for adequate parking. The moving of the clinic in no way alters the rest of the original plan,” shared Laura Zenner, ECC Committee Member and City Council Member.
The old school will be deconstructed this winter. “It’s great to see the project moving forward. We’ve identified a suitable location for the clinic and Regional Health Services of Howard County is excited for the opportunity to establish a new clinic and provide local health care to Elma and the surrounding area. The work of the committee and the collaboration amongst the various entities and City of Elma has been great.” Kyle Teeling, Vice President of Ancillary Services for Regional Health Services of Howard County. “We now need to re-start the fund raising efforts. Approximately $450,000 has been committed to the project thus far. Our goal is $1.1 million,” shared Erin Ludwig, ECC Committee Member.
The committee plans to apply for a number of private grants. We hope to raise $200,000 -$300,000 through these grants. The remainder needs to come from private donations of citizens and businesses. If you have already given, thank you, and please consider an additional donation. If you made a pledge, please send a check to PO Box 497 Elma, Iowa 50628, to honor your commitment. If you have not contributed to this project yet, please consider being a part of this great effort to improve our community.
For more information contact any of the committee members: Laura Zenner, Emily Ptacek, Shannon Gebel, Renee Burke, Kyle Teeling, Erin Ludwig, and Bruce Weigel; go to; or call the Elma City Clerk at 641-393-2543.